Thanks for all of this. A few points

My dear friend, Sam Husseini has a project called Vote Pal where people like your couple, team up and vote for another candidate, rather than cancel each other out. I suggested he add a tag line, "Unspoiling the election" or "Hacking the spoiler effect" or "Offramp from two evils" and "Post partisan"

I think Bobby is our best bet for now but needs some serious rehabilitation has he lost many supporters, including people in his campaign, over his positions on Israel and many of us who marched in the Kennedy contingent of a July 4 parade in progressive Takoma Park, MD, active in CHD who got booed. My problem is not as much his positions as his rigidity, mindlessness and refusal to learn or think deeply. His campaign is using rational inside the box strategies and NOT doing things to correct his flaws. I have communicated directly with several people in his campaign and they don't know what they don't know. Hit pieces on him treat him like a cartoon character and are not journalism. There are several specific, plausible things they could do to correct flaws but I see no signs. That said he is our best bet but not without immediate wise interventions.

Also - my tip off to the Covid lies, like with you, was the studies in China and Italy of high dose iV Vitamin C and noticing they were not doing it here. Also I was a fellow at the Solomon Asch Center for the Study of Ethnopoltiical Conflict at U Penn in 1999.

Check out Sam's strategy. For this to work Bobby needs to change deeply - not just superficially by talking to Israelis and Palestinians.

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Thanks so much for your perspective, Diane. I agree about his flaws ... and ... the most important thing for our progressive allies is his fight to be heard, against the wall of censorship. His position on Israel is a detriment, as he could have taken advantage of progressives disappointed with Biden's policies.

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I'm with you, Diane. I would have backed Bobby for President but for his position on the Gaza genocide. Jill Stein (the Green Party candidate) has taken a public stand against genocide and the influence of AIPAC on our politicians.


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Thanks, Ned!

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Good to have you with me Ned. I love "Meemingful" I like Jill Stein. Bobby is our best chance if he can be transformed.

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One more point - My brother who loved Trump (less so now) was open to Bernie, but hated Hillary. It didn't hurt that our father's name was Bernie.

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Bam and yes thank you- I’ve given your work and words time today- and yes to courage for without it how can we? I feel the wave of inner sanctity to open to options - for here we are Pisces times in the field of all thought and all possibilities. So I’m done with turning into pillars of salt looking backward and screw my head forward. #itsTime

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Thanks Steve for providing such clarity for so many. RFK Jr. is truly a man putting his life on the line for our country.

The Greatest Generation preserved our nation from the evil Axis powers. Now, it is up to their descendants to stand up and do the same. We have a global network, a cabal of individuals that are mostly narcissistic psychopaths who have created a functioning new world order which operates outside the laws of our nation and government regulations.

It is our time to come Front and Center and slip the reigns of power and control out of the hands of those who are enslaving us through debt and dependence on the government.

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Hey Swami/Steve, great to find you on Substack today. (For 20 years, a Beyondananda devotee) I just subscribed to your stack.

I appreciate today's article with your detailed recounting of how you arrived at your political positions, always insightful, never inciteful.

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Yes and I appreciate your comment on RFK Jr. -- we need to really launch a true independence movement that brings left and right front and center.

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